MITRA© - Mobile Apps for Soil and Crop Nutrient Management
More than two-thirds of
the world’s poor and malnourished live in Asia and high level of heterogeneity
prevails in farm size, farm income and farm resources categories. It was projected that India would surpass China
before 2030 to become the world’s most populated country (Lumpkin, T. A., 2013). Feeding the people on sustainable way with
shrinking natural resources especially soils is really an up hilling task. The
food grain production could be achieved at the cost of depletion of soil
nutrients only. For instance each ton of cereal produced, 20-27 Kgs N
(Nitrogen), 10 -19 Kgs P2O5 Kgs (Phosphorus)
and 22-48 Kgs of K2O (Potassium) are removed. The soil fertility map
of 450 districts in India clearly indicates that around 63 percent of the
districts are coming under low Nitrogen fertility category where as more than
one-third ( 42 percent ) are under low
Phosphorus fertility category and
around 50 percent of soil represents low
and medium level of potash fertility level
(K.Dinesh and Nain Singh, 2015.)The farmers wish to have the best out of
crop production and tend to apply higher dose of fertilizers which in turn
increase the cost of production. The external application of excessive dose of
fertilizers and nutrients also makes the scenario still worse. It is miserable
to note that among Indian states, Tamil Nadu is in the top list of applying
more doses of fertilizers of about 220 kgs/ha. The restoration of soil
fertility is the most crucial for food security and can be achieved only
through proper balanced and integrated nutrient management practices. The
farmers should be well informed with optimum dose of fertilizer application
along with nutrient management practices. The advocacy on correct dose of
fertilizers may lead to sustainable yields as well as reduce the expenditure on
agro inputs.
Integrated nutrient
management and Soil Testing
Integrated nutrient
management practices such use of organic manures, biofertilizers, more
importantly judicious use of chemical fertilizers is utmost important to
restore soil fertility. Every farmer should conduct soil testing periodically
to assess the soil health and should aware about reclamation practices. The
capacity strengthening programme for farmers for nutrient management would
ensure balanced application of nutrients and sustainable crop yields. The input traders highly influencing the
purchase pattern viz., the nature of fertilizers and brand of fertilizers. In
India, presently around 661 Soil testing laboratories including 120 mobile soil
testing labs covering 608 districts with analyzing capacity
of about 7 millions. Even the farmers
who aware about their soil fertility status, faces practical difficulties in
choosing correct dose of fertilizers. The farmers have to keep the soil testing
results in hand while purchasing the nutrients and while visiting the
agriculture extension officers. Though the knowledge production centres
striving for technology transfer, there exists an information gap between
clientele and knowledge centres. The work load of the farmers, experts
availability, time constraints and information asymmtricity leads to over or
lesser dose of fertilizers, higher cost of cultivation and soil fertility
deterioration in the long run.
Mobile based
To bridge the information gap, Information and
Communication Technology tools viz., computers, Mobile Phones etc., can play a
pivotal role. With increasing mobile ownership of
951.37 million, Mobile technology has many more advantages such as personalized
information sharing, instant delivery of message, mobility of devices and
cheaper cost for deployment than any other ICT devices such as computers,
Internet etc., Through mobiles, people in rural areas can connect with
the local, regional and national knowledge centres able to receive farm based
services, access markets and avail banking/ financial services.
Application for decision support
Application softwares popularly called as ‘Apps’ paves the way for
individual to connect with networks. The Agro info apps ensures the direct
participation of small holders in the decision making practices and integrates all the stakeholders
in the crop value chain system.

MITRA© - Mobile Interventions and Technologies for
Rural Areas (meaning as Friend) has become the latest arrival to the smart
phone App for Agro information that can provide farmers with advice on exact
dose fertilizer for their particular needs. The Mobile Application developed by
K.C.Siva balan, Researcher from Tamil
Nadu, India is under testing and pre launching stage in Tamil Nadu, South
India. The App is devised to work in an offline mode, where the farmers need
not have any internet connections. The App is available in English and Tamil
The Android
as well as Windows based app is designed primarily for farmers who hardly need
decision support for agriculture input management especially fertilizers.
Option: Nutrient

Option: Guideline
The farmers who are not aware of the fertilizer
recommendation can get the blanket recommendation by clicking the option
fertilizer guideline. The site specific nutrient recommendation will be given
in this option.
Option: Fertilizer

Option: Blog
The Smartphone users with net connectivity could
access the information from blogs, databases, Portals, websites etc.,
themselves on various topics on nutrient management of important crops with a
net connectivity.
The extension workers could use this App for
advocating site-specific recommendations to farmers on fertilizer dose. The
information available is based on the latest research by Department of
Agriculture, Government of Tamil Nadu, India.
The downloading of MITRA© App would be of free of cost. The farmers with
smart phones can download the MITRA© App as open source ware.
How and when can the rest of the world get it?
Deletewere is the download link.